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Публикувано на:
04 Дек 2006, 01:16
от gi_master

Публикувано на:
05 Дек 2006, 11:09
от harmaiani
The language is the main instrument in the legal practice. You know how important is the proper use of terms in the qualification of the human act as a crime. Every word, every punctuation mark is important in conjuction with the sound interpretation of the laws and contracts.
As you know, the Roman Law is in the basis of the continental legal system. The Roman terms approved by the years are in use nowadays. This provides security and confidence in the law field. The common used words and phrases help people from different countries to understand better. What is the use of a pure national language if you cann't understand the world arround you? What is the point to defend your language from foreignisms in the world globalization?

Публикувано на:
11 Дек 2006, 16:07
от rts
ЗАЩО НЕ ПИШЕТЕ НА БЪЛГАРСКИ ? Все пак това е български форум ! Къде си, о, Паисий !!!

Публикувано на:
18 Дек 2006, 09:41
от harmaiani